1、New-type flexible epoxy curing agent.
Main uses:
Bonding, encapsulation and packaging of heterogeneous and soft materials with obvious different thermal expansion coefficients.
Encapsulation of electronic and electric components that need light permeability; large surface area decorative, and protective layers.
Main features:
The outstanding feature is it cures at room temperature and, after curing, has desirable flexibility; a 5mm cured test piece did not break when folded.
Low viscosity, good performance, convenient to use, no toxicity, low irritation, safe and harmless to workers.
Low exothermic curing temperature, long service life, and produces transparent cured substance with light color and glossy surface.
2、Crystal epoxy hard adhesive
Main uses:
Crystal 3D decorations of Dacron and paper trademarks and nameplates, unstressed encapsulation of electronic or electric devices.
Main features:
Can be cured at room temperature and is light in color and looks like crystal; high gloss and no whitening; highly adhesive and cured film is soft and as elastic as rubber; environmentally friendly with little odor and low toxicity; safe and user friendly; small viscosity and bubbles can be easily discharged.
3、Epoxy grinding wheel adhesive
Main uses:
Applicable for self-bonding, mutual bonding, and sealing of metal, glass, ceramic, stone, bamboos, fabric, cement, hard plastics and other materials; typically used for assembling polishing impellers.
Main features:
A dual-component epoxy adhesive that cures at room temperature and has desirable performance; safe, convenient and extremely adhesive.
4、Flexible epoxy adhesive cured at room temperature
Main uses:
Bonding of heterogeneous materials with obviously different thermal expansion coefficients, especially soft materials, such as metal and plastic, metal and foam plastic, and metal and glass or ceramic.
Repairing or joint filling in buildings and concrete components.
Bonding and assembly of electronic components and sensing elements that take little stress.
Main features:
Low viscosity and good performance and suitable for gluing a large area.
Low toxicity and irritation and safe and harmless to workers.
After curing, adhesive layer is transparent and light in color and has a glossy surface.
Adhesive layer has good flexibility and stress response of bonded parts and desirable impact resistance.
Bonding strength is good and suitable for bonding under various conditions.
5、New-type elastic epoxy adhesive
Main uses:
Bonding of heterogeneous and soft materials with obvious different thermal expansion coefficients, such as metal and plastic, and metal and. glass or ceramic.
Filling expansion joints of bridge decks.
Bonding of plastics (PVC, PMMA).
Repairing and joint filling of concrete components.
Bonding and assembly of electronic components and sensing elements that cannot take stress.
Main features:
Low viscosity, good performance, simple formulating of adhesive, convenient to use.
Low heat release and long service life.
After curing, the adhesive layer is extremely soft with large expansion--contraction ratio and desirable impact resistance; stress on bonded parts is small.
Not water- or carbon dioxide-sensitive and has no amine turbidity; surface of the cured substance is glossy.
Mixing proportion of curing agent is large, so error in weighing has little impact.
Low toxicity and irritation and safe or harmless to workers
Removable (at 80 C if needed); by adjusting formula, can meet the special requirements of optical instruments.