Three of our technicians -- Tang Jianliang, Tong Yangchun, and Yang Xinchun visited a sylvite and phosphor exploitation site in Kazakhstan, along with technicians from the Sinochem Fertilizer Co, Nov 15~25, 2009, for an on-the-spot examination, followed by technical exchanges with Kazakhstan’s Satimola Ltd and other mining companies.
The purpose of the visit was to study four potassium, boron, and phosphate mines that Sinochem wanted to invest in, including a Satimola potassium and boron mine, and to determine the construction conditions of each. They also wanted to analyze data and documents provided by Kazakh organizations and submit a preliminary report on investment opportunities, to help Sinochem in its decision-making.

Photo 1: Study group holding a technical exchange with Temir Service, on Nov 16.

Photo 2: Study group visiting a sylvite mine on Nov 18.

Photo 3: Study group visiting a potassium and boron mine on Nov 20. 
Photo 4: Study group holding technical exchanges with Satimola on Nov 21.