This innovation involves producing potassium sulfate from potassium-containing magnesium-sulfate-subtype brine and includes the following steps: evaporating raw brine in the sun to extract sodium chloride; mixing the brine and transferring it to an epsom salt pan, a potassium salt-MgVK salt pan, and a carnallite-potassium salt pan; evaporating the potassium salt-MgVK salt and carnallite-potassium salt in the sun; transferring them to a soft KMgV dressing plant and a KCl dressing plant to obtain soft KMgV and KCl, after conversion, decomposition, washing, separation and de-watering; then mixing them with saline and preparing potassium sulfate in salt pans by sun-drying or obtaining potassium sulfate product in a unit by the conversion of soft KMgV and KCl.